I gained a new Friend!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 6:58 AM
Hahaha.... So Chui Yi have introduced me to
Yee Wa a.ka. Ewie during Merdeka Eve and that was the last time i ever seen or talk to her. However, just recently, 2 days back... Ewie dropped by at Chui Yi's place for their next outing and co-incidentally i was there too coz i had a sleepover at her place the night before.
Ewie is as Hyper as CHui Yi. MYGAwdd... as she opens Chui Yi's bedroom door.... The first thing she did was shouted "
SIgh!! NO one seemed to be able to pronouce my name correctly.
Anyways, I enjoyed being around Ewie too just like how i like it when i'm with Chui Yi or Sam. All three of them are like Chatter-Box. Yakk...yakk..yakk...none stop! A Bunch of bising women i would say! HAhahaha... Sigh, and Ewie loves porridge! LOlz... We were joking about something that revolves around porridge which i'm not going to explain further coz i'm too lazy to do so.

Chui Yi and Ewie camwhoring in the room.

The Three of US!

Okayssss..... I didn't expect this picture in Chui Yi's camera. It's a Nice candid shot! so i shall post it up here..
Modelling Starts here.
3:28 AM
DON'T you EVEN THINK about it !
We stole each other's first kiSS ! Chui Yi- Idiot youuuuuu......!!!!!!!! Okayy...just kidding.
Random pose ~
You go girl!! Work it..work it...~ 


I Heart you girls ~

For this particular post, i've got nothing much to say .
Sorry laa... I know that we are a bit too VAin.
and urhmm.....
Owh yah! Actually i've known Samantha like only for 3 days or so but we looked really really close don't we? I know right! It's weird that we can be such Great friends ! I like her.
11th Oct 2007 - After college (Thursday)
3:09 AM
After college, i decided to stay back and hang out with my "Skinny Bitches" - the shirt that they are wearing. HAhAh!!! Actually, all of us were supposed to wear the similar green but sigh.. FAIL!!! Sam and Chui Yi wanted to do some "survey" on the cake prices for their upcoming birthday party. Yeaps, so the nosy us just tag along.

Camwhoring in Chui Yi's toilet. hAHah

At the Bakery Shop. I guess boys will always be boys.

Sam , Elicia and Chui Yi ( GFFN !!!) RAwwWWrrr......

Eric !!! What are you doing??? Attempting some oil free facial Advertisement izzit? HAHAH!!

OUr food!! Errr....looks like we took the after meal. HAHA

ALways 8 at heart!
Owh yea... Do you know that we actually forgot to pay for the bill before leaving the table. The boss of the shop had to go all the way to the playground (tht's where we are at tht time) to ask for his payment.
SHyyyy like madd.... lolz!
Actually, there are many little events that happen in between but i'm too lazy to elaborate.
boink Boink..
12th Oct 2007 - THat afternoon (Before Clubbing)
2:19 AM
Went out with The same gang plus my new found Buddy ,
SAMANTHA DARLING!! and another
Cutie pie, ELAINE!! All all us went to Times Square and Sungei Wang. At around 12.30 like that Eric and SHaun came to pick me up from home and then we headed to Chui Yi's place first. We reached there, met up with Elaine, Yu Tiong and Kai yang. Unfortunately, due to some miscommunication,
Kai Yang got so
pissed off that he came and went back. First time seeing Kai Yang being so cheesed off. Anyhow, by the end of the day..we managed to cool things off with him and he was so funny. Before we even said anything, he apologized first for acting that way.. and slumberly said that - Quote : Ehh..Sorry arh for this afternoon, i think i was PMS-ing. HAHA!!!

Eric and SHaun

Sam , Chui Yi and I - All of us have different kinds of expression if you have noticed.

Natural posers. =)

Elaine , Elicia and Shaun (2 girls and a guy)

Eric, Chui Yi and Samantha (ALSO 2 girls and a guy)

I somewhat love this picture.

Us girls in the TOILettee.....

Future "Celebs" (That is what they proclaim) and a Bouncer. GUess which is which. They actually just bought the T-Shirt. It was quite a bargain. 3 shirts for Rm 50.

This is us all cramped up in the car. There were too many of us in the car that even the car sank a little. Each time we pass by a bump in the parking lot. 3 of us actually had to come down because the bottom of the car tend to collide with the bumps and there were MANY of them!!!!

I helped Shaun in styling his hair and Chui Yi as well!!! Nice?? hahaha... Okay...I look like shitz here but since the guys looked good......
Ahhhh... what the heck.
12 Oct 2007 - My Bittersweet Memory
12:22 AM
Woot Woott!!!!!!!!!!Deng , SO yea... I have been like going out A LOT lately and my parents screwed me yesterday (a long talk) but thank god they haven't punish me with any curfew. Even
Chui Yi herself got "lectured" by her Mother as well and now she have to like be home by 1.30 ,the latest.
* Poor Girl*Anyways, we chose to go
MArdiGrAS because most of my friends didn't want to go Maisson since it will be packed with people and many raid have been taking place. SO ! How was my first experience clubbing? Hurmm.... i don't
HATE it nor
LOVE it. It's much of a So..So..kind of thing to me. However, for a first timer like me, I've encounter some REALLY bad or should i said ;SICK situation.
Well, first of ; When i was sitting at the couch (more like the EDGE of the couch) with Chui Yi since there weren't enough table for us. A
BLArdy-Not-even-good looking guy was sitting beside me and leaning against me like nobody's business. YAh! like
WHAT THE HELL?? I was bending my body to one side till it was an approximate 60 degree and yet, he still don't seem to get the message. So i couldn't take it anymore and i quickly stood up and sort of like cockstare him for a moment and he knew i was talking about him.HAH! Owh, well...but my friends said that it was bound to happen. Fuck it.
Next thing was some woman from the next table, got drunk and
Vomitted in
FRONT of me. FOR ALL PLACES , why my place? It's not just liquid that came out from her mouth ;there were some.....
"yellowish stuff" *Omg..I feel so disgusted* . It was all over my jeans and top!
eeeeEEEWWWW!!!!!. Abit sad for me ryte? My friends some more have the heart to laugh at me, especially
IVY a.k.a Clubbing Queen. Then Hann-Shaun's brother,
Hann-Lun said that i should just slap the girl in the face. Hahaha!!! Actually, everyone tells me the same thing when i told them about this. Is it some sort of custom where by you slap someone whenever they accidentally vomitted on you in clubs? *Curious*
Nevermind about that, then there came an awkward moment on the Dance Floor. Chui Yi and I were like dancing with each other and there came Hann-Shaun's
"Perverted Friends" who came out of no where to dance with us. They then went behind us and were like dancing
REALLY..REALLLY close to us from the back. YOu may say that they were SORT of like 'bang-ing us'- I'm not sure if i'm using the correct term. Anyways, Chui Yi actually had to push me to a side and after that i quickly grabbed shaun and asked him to dance behind me while Eric dance behind of Chui Yi. ANd you know whart!!!! While Ivy was doing her "Dirty Dance"...(Yeaaa...You know what i mean) on me... A guy was actually checking her out from the tip of her hair to her toe. MAn! He gave that perverted look and smile while staring her moves that i felt like using a Frying Pan and knock the hell out of him. Deng, but who to blame when IVY danced so seductively.
Owh yea!! Then Hann-Lun introduced all of us to some
Mob Boss . Shaun said that they are kinda influential in that area. It was quite a scary experience because i didn't quite expect to be introduced to these kind of people and all three of them were of the age of 30 plus. We shook hands with 3 of them, but i seriously couldn't remember how they look like now or even what their names were. SHaun said that the first person that we shook hands with was like the biggest
"Tai Lo" - I guess his ranking is kinda high in the gangster community. It was quite funny when the first one shook hands with Chui Yi and I in a
'guy style' way. You know the ones were guys always Do when they meet each other? Yah!!!!! SO FUNNY!!! we didn't even know how to move our hands correctly.

Happy Three Friend~

The Guys - CHeers~

From Left : Hann-Shaun, Jun Yaw, Kai Yang, Hann-Lun, Eric, Yu Tiong

Yeaa... I'm such a fantastic drinker that i drank from the bottle and not from a cup. WHOA!

This picture was taken in the GIRL's toilet when the guys took me to the toilet to wash up - After that
No-Good-Drinker vomitted on me.

After clubbing, we decided to go for MAmak ! Chui Yi and i were seperated for a moment. She followed Eric and Yu tiong's car while I went with Shaun and Kai Yang. We somwhow met up on the road when the light was red. hHAAha!!!

All of us in mamak!


Ivy looking really sexaayyy....and the idiot shaun grabbed me by the neck and it make me look real awful in the picture.
That's all.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007 9:56 AM
Got tagged by Dionn and Nicole
Hah.I should have done this a long time ago. =)
1. The tag victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there is NO need to do this again.
5. Lastly, and most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.
Gender : Male
My Purffecctt Lover would be:
1. A person who do not go over board by being overly romantic because it tends to give me goosebumps..~
2. Have a good sense of humour without sounding really lame. He can be funny lame but just not lame , LAME. Geddit? No? Okay! Nevermindd.
3. One who do not stick to me ALL the time. Yerhh..especially those obssessive boyfriend who keeps checking on you by smses , calls and stuff, just gets on my nerve.
4. Speaks fairly good English because I don't want to get turned off easily. And urhm, i can't really speak fantastic or fluent languages like mandarin,cantonese and what nots.Therefore ,it is preferable if spoken language is in English.
5. One who would have small arguments with me all the time without being too harsh on me. Most importantly, arguments that will enlightened my dull life.
6. Someone who is smarter than i am and have his own principles and shall not be any lazier than i am. HAha! I prefer to be led not lead.
7. One who will understand my everchanging behavior and is able to react and respond to it .
8. Someone who my parents , SISTER and friends will never say 'No' to. =)
You Bet
1:48 AM
This whole week is a rather tiring week for me as lecturers are all pushing us to do ALOT of research for our CCA or ISU at the same time. Like for Data, we had to plot graphs based on our survey and the word
"scatter plot" keeps ringing in my head now .Thank GOD i have
Phoebe in my group because she's like the
'Excel' Pro . Where as, for I.B , we had to do some management profile about ourselves being the founder of our cooperation - Yes, it's like a made believe kinda thingy. And Econs, I've been preparing outlines for my CCA topic because
Mr.Moaz wanted to do a one on one conference with each of his students.
Scarryyy!!! but yeaa..I did it today and everything went really smoothly. YaY!
*Two thumbs up for me* Then there's some in class assignment that he asked us to do during this whole conference week. Basically i'm piled up with a lot of writings and i'm bored to tears. Anyhoww...So far i've completed most of the work that were given to me.
*Proudz*Also, i have no idea what's up with me this week. I've been asking my friends about many urhmmm..how do i put it? Well, just say some
"X-Rated" stuff. Questions like Are you a Virgin? , How many times have you done it? and even more extreme questions to both girls and guys. Lolz.. I'm such a liberal person.
Don't get me wrong.... i'm asking out of curiousity and am
NOT being horny. =)
Anyways, I've finally understood what
"make out'' really stands for and all these while i thought it meant random kisses with people that you're not attached to. Yah, I know i'm just so shallow.
Thanks to
Nicole and
Evvon, they've been educating me by polluting my mind with too much of "information" .
Ohh..ohh!!!! and i've just noticed that i have holiday this Friday.. Whheeee......... Looking forward to it. Two more dayys...*I shall wait patiently* Planning to go out with
Chui Yi , Phoebe and my beloved daughter MEGAN!!!!!! Can't wait.
Till then, Adios ~